While it shares commonalities with traditional software engineering, artificial intelligence (AI) development differs in its complexity, data flows, and outcomes. But of more concern to security leaders is the fact that AI development introduces new threat vectors into the enterprise. In this discussion, Frost & Sullivan Cybersecurity Practice Industry Director speaks with Bill Manning, Senior Solution Architect at JFrog and Frost & Sullivan Cybersecurity Practice Industry Principal Anh Tien Vu to get their perspectives on how enterprises can best see, govern, and secure their AI development processes.

Join us for an insightful webinar on June 18th to hear our panel of cybersecurity experts discuss best practices for artificial intelligence development operations (AIDevSecOps). Enterprise security leaders should attend to learn more about:

  • How organizations ensure adherence to best practices throughout the AI development lifecycle, from data collection to model deployment?
  • In what ways AI development introduces new vulnerabilities and complexities into the enterprise threat landscape, and how can these be effectively managed?
  • What specific threats pose risks to AI development, artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps), and AIDevOps processes?
  • How enterprises can balance the need for innovation and agility in AI development with the imperative of maintaining robust cybersecurity protocols?
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