Traditional biotics have long been valued for their safety profiles and general wellness benefits through supplements and functional foods. However, technological advances have ushered in a new era of next-gen biotics that offer precision health benefits tailored to individual wellness needs. These innovations extend beyond gut and immune health, to areas such as mental, metabolic, oral and skin health. As demand for targeted biotic solutions rises, so does the development of these transformative technologies. Additionally, next-gen biotics are now being explored for their potential to enhance indoor environments, improving home cleaning formulations and air quality. This evolution represents a profound shift towards personalized and comprehensive wellness solutions.

Has your team identified the right opportunities in next-gen biotics to drive growth & innovation?

Frost & Sullivan’s Precision Health Think Tank series delved into the exciting domain of “Next-Gen Biotics: Precision Biotics Innovations Transforming the Consumer Wellness Landscape.This engaging discussion yielded pivotal contributions that are shaping the future of the industry, thanks to the collaborative efforts of visionary experts.

The following experts came together to share their transformative perspectives:

  • Kumar Sankaran, Chief Executive Officer, Leucine Rich Bio
  • Per Rehne, Chief Executive Officer, Clasado Biosciences
  • Vandana Iyer, Growth Expert and Research Director, Frost & Sullivan
  • Benoît Butruille, Growth Expert and Consulting Director, Frost & Sullivan

Note: Gain valuable perspectives from these industry experts by clicking here to access the recorded session of the Think Tank.

Here are the key takeaways from this insightful discussion:

  • Need for Scientific Documentation: There is a pressing requirement for scientific and clinical documentation of health benefits associated with probiotics. Evidence must be established at the strain level to validate the efficacy of these products.
  • Focus Areas for Next-Gen Biotics: Gut and immune health will remain the primary application areas for next-gen biotics. However, mental health is rapidly emerging as a significant segment for biotics-based products, indicating a shift in consumer interest.
  • Potential of Synbiotic Technologies: Synbiotic technologies — which combine prebiotics and probiotics — are currently underexplored but hold promise for providing complementary and synergistic health benefits. Additionally, the application of biotics-based products for oral health represents a substantial growth opportunity that is yet to be fully tapped.
  • Innovations in Indoor Environments: The potential applications of next-gen biotics for improving indoor air quality and enhancing soil microbial conditions are promising areas for future research and development, signaling a broader scope for biotics beyond traditional health applications.
  • Role of AI in Biotic Innovation: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is anticipated to play a crucial role in the discovery and development of new biotics-based ingredients, enabling more personalized consumer experiences and optimizing product formulation.
  • Advancements in Consumer Diagnostics: The incorporation of multi-omics-based consumer diagnostics and localized clinical studies utilizing regional populations will facilitate the adaptation of biotic offerings for customized wellness applications, ensuring products meet specific consumer needs.

Is your growth team exploring technology and new business models to navigate the complexities of next-gen biotics?

Kumar Sankaran“Our exploration of South Asian gut microbiome data revealed striking geographical differences compared to Western counterparts, leading us to realize that developing biotics must be tailored not only by region but also by species and strain. This personalized approach, considering disease, geography, and age, opens the door to advanced, individualized biotech solutions.”

Kumar Sankaran, Chief Executive Officer, Leucine Rich Bio


Per Rehne“Navigating the regulatory landscape for probiotics and prebiotics is complex, especially post-Brexit. While the UK adapts EU regulations, more countries are allowing probiotics on consumer products. Our goal is to engage with regulators and academics to drive evidence-based changes in legislation, ensuring a robust framework for health claims across diverse global markets.”

Per Rehne, Chief Executive Officer, Clasado Biosciences

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