New Product Development
Usage and Attitude Studies
Customer usage and attitude studies are undertaken to provide marketers with a reliable database of strategically relevant insights on needs and attitudes, and how these factors are linked to brand or product selection and consumption behavior. They can provide valuable information on unfulfilled needs to help drive new product development on images and attitudes affecting brand selection to help refine strategies for attracting and retaining customers, on consumption patterns and their influencing factors to help identify growth opportunities, and to ensure relevant communication that resonates with existing and new customers.
New Product Launch Performance Analysis
Trial and Repeat Analysis is critical in monitoring the development of a new product or line extension. The analysis breaks down the key drivers of new product volume, trial, and repeat, providing direction in evaluating performance and determining new strategies.
A survey amongst triers and repeaters, triers and rejecters, and non-triers provides insights into key motivators and perceptions surrounding the new product. The result is a clear understanding of the trial and repeats purchase behavior, and the motivators and barriers affecting this behavior.
Business issues addressed include:
- Is my new brand meeting trial objectives?
- When is my trial starting to slow?
- Why are customers not repurchasing my product?
- Is one size or configuration more successful at attracting trial?
- How is my repeat business developing?
- What is the long-term potential for this brand?
- How is this product consumed by triers versus repeaters?
Price Analysis
Through custom research and trade-off models, Frost & Sullivan extends regular pricing analysis to new products and to pricing levels outside of the normal range. Pricing information from scanning price data is used to enhance research design. Customer feedback on attitudes, and price sensitivity, in particular, provides supportive diagnostics for targeting and motivating customers. The analysis may be extended to identify price barriers outside of a historically observed price range and to uncover associated attitudes.
Business issues addressed include:
- If I lower the price of Premium Brand A by 15 percent, which competitive brands will I gain market share from? And to what extent will I cannibalize my Regular Brand B?
- How much can I raise the price of Brand A before I jeopardize 5 percent market share?
- What is the consumer profile of the less price-sensitive Brand A buyers? What proportion of Brand A’s sales do they represent, and how can I design advertisements and promotions to retain their loyalty?