Start your journey and join our diverse and inclusive One Frost family.

Frost & Sullivan is a unique workplace environment that champions not just professional growth but personal growth as well. At Frost & Sullivan, we believe in people. You will be offered exciting opportunities to test and hone your skills.


We are always on the lookout for people who are:

Wildly curious & entrepreneurial

We seek individuals with an insatiable curiosity and a bold entrepreneurial spirit, eager to explore new ideas and drive innovation.

Committed to Customer Success
Our ideal candidates are dedicated to understanding and fulfilling the needs of our customers, ensuring their success and satisfaction at every step.
Self-Starters Invested in Your Future
We value self-motivated individuals who take initiative and ownership of their professional development, actively investing in their growth and future success.
Persuasive Communicators
Effective communication is key. We’re looking for individuals who can articulate ideas persuasively, engaging with others to drive positive outcomes and build strong relationships.
Deeply Analytical
We’re seeking candidates who possess strong analytical skills, capable of diving deep into data and insights to inform strategic decisions and solve complex problems.
Excited about Disruptive Trends
We’re passionate about staying ahead of the curve. We’re looking for candidates who are excited about embracing disruptive trends and leveraging them to drive innovation and growth.
Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We’re seeking team players who thrive in collaborative environments, working seamlessly with others to achieve shared goals and objectives.

Your Journey And What To Expect

You will experience an interview process that is virtual, in-person meetings at the office, or a combination of both. Here is a general overview of our interview process: –  

Initial round

This is the initial one-on-one interview with our Talent Acquisition specialist. We want to get to know you; share your career experience and aspirations with us.

Technical rounds
Interview with Hiring Manager & Written Business Case Study. We look for individuals who are highly analytical and strong communicators. Come prepared. Written case study will be administered either remotely or on site, with a completion timeline. If you ace the written case study, you will be invited for an interview with the Hiring Manager. Interview with Hiring Manager will always include case interviews (commonly known as scenario case interview) format.        
Final round
Depending on seniority of the role, the final round of interview could be either a one-on-one with Functional Leader, or a panel interview. At this stage, you will be required to present a case study. Be prepared to support data and recommendations you have provided.  

The interview process should take 4-6 weeks, but in some cases may be longer. Some roles may have additional step for language assessment. Stay in contact with your Talent Acquisition specialist who will guide you through the process.

Preparing For Interviews

It is important for you to know that an interview is a two-way street. It is also a chance for you to better understand the organization. Use this time to get information that will help you decide.

  • Have a copy of your CV and the details of the job for which you are being interviewed.
  • Be professional and do your research on the company.
  • Do your research about the history, and the interviewer(s).
  • Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask at the different stages of the interview process.
  • For interviews requiring case study presentations, ensure that you re-read your written work. Have a friend or trusted professional look over this work. Practice delivering your case study to an audience.
  • Be prepared AND be yourself.

Enhancing Your Professional CV

The main purpose of a CV is to get you an interview! With that in mind below are some general tips.

  • Ensure your CV has relevant content for the role you are applying for including the industry you specialise in.
  • Take a moment to step away and review your CV.
  • Do ask a friend or trusted colleague to read over your CV.
  • List your achievements and accomplishments.
  • Use a format that is not too busy or cluttered.
  • Add in your interests and hobbies. All work and no play is not what we are looking for we want you to have a good life work balance.

Competency Based Questions

Behavioural or Situational Interview Questions
This is where you may want to employ the STAR Method to prepare for these interview types. Having pre-written or well-practised examples will serve well.

Traditional Interview Questions

This is a standard interview and will mainly focus on your abilities background and skill sets.

Technical Interview Questions

Where specific skills and knowledge are required, you may find you are answering technical questions to gauge your level of expertise

Strengths Based Interview Questions

This style of interview is usually used for Graduate/Intern recruiting. It is used to discover weaknesses as well as strengths. Along with personality traits to gain an idea of fit into the company.

Hypothetical or Scenario Based Questions

These questions are designed to get a response in a pressured environment quickly. These are usually based around workplace situations.

Value Based Interview Questions

This style of interview is used to determine if the person matches the company’s culture and vision. It also is used to determine how the person will fit into the organisation and the team they will be working with.

CV and Career Interview Questions

This type of interview delves into the nuts and bolts of your CV and experience. This is where the interviewer will establish your career goals and achievements.

Common Interview Questions

Interviewer Questions you can expect

  • Why are you interested in our company?
  • What got you into this career?
  • What are your strengths?/ What are your weaknesses?
  • Tell me about a challenge you experienced in your previous role.
  • How do you stay organised?
  • How do you keep up with industry trends?
  • Why are you looking for a new role?
  • Where do you hope to see yourself in five years?
    Questions to ask an Interviewer or Employer

    • What kind of challenges can I expect in this role?
    • What are some of the projects I might be working on?
    • What will make me succeed in this role if I am selected?
    • What are the career developments the company offers? / What are the long term objectives and growth path for the role?
    • What is the size of team I will be working with and how is it made up?
    • What is the size of the immediate team? What individuals or teams does this position work with most often?