Awards Process

Framework & Qualifying Criteria




Sub - Parameters


Points Scale


Over Check Points

Sustainability Assessment Framework

300 Points

P 1.1 Sustainability Strategy
P 1.2 Governance & Ethics
P 1.3 Risk Management

P1. Purpose

300 Points

P 2.1 Stakeholder Management
P 2.2 Supply Chain
P 2.3 Customers
P 2.4 Society

P2. Partnership

300 Points

P 3.1 Raw Materials
P 3.2 Energy & Water
P 3.3 Waste & Emissions
P 3.4 Biodiversity

P3. Planet

300 Points

P 4.1 Human Capital Management
P 4.2 Occupational Health & Safety

P4. People

Qualifying Criteria

There are three levels of recognition based on the predefined qualifying scores. These levels of recognition are Believers, Challengers and Leaders. The qualifying scores are 725, 800 and 875 respectively.

Sustainability Analytics

Sustainability Analytics

Sustainability 4.0 assessment will additionally evaluate how companies are effectively using analytics in their sustainability management. It will assess the existing maturity of companies in three aspects: Effective Data Collection, Usage of Smart Analytical Tools, and End-to-End Visibility in the value chain.

Sustainability Analytics has been added as an additional parameter and all companies assessed will receive insights on their maturity level of leveraging analytics to drive sustainability management.

Awards & Recognization

Corporate Apex Award – Manufacturing & Service

Sustainable Manufacturer of the Year


Sustainable Business of the Year


Site Specific Awards – Manufacturing

Campus Specific Award – Service

Sustainable Factory of the Year


Sustainable Campus of the Year


Sector Specific Awards


Automotive | Engineering | Process | Healthcare | FMCG | Metals | Aerospace & Defense


IT | ITES | BFSI | Construction & Real State | Telecom | Hospitals | Hospitality | Aviation



Consistency Awards

Consistency Platinum

Consistency Gold

Consistency Silver


  • Companies qualifying in Leaders & Challengers category will compete for sector specific awards with other
    qualifying companies in same band.
  • All companies qualifying in Believers category, will be recognized with Certificate of merit irrespective of industry/
    service sector.

Additional Value Creation

De-carbonization Index

Decarbonization framework framed to help in reduction of harmful emissions, helps to understand energy mix & its transition, mitigate extreme weather events, ensure a greener tomorrow for future generation, and carbon capture. Further, decarbonization can result in economic benefits, such as energy savings, reduced negative impacts of air pollution on health, and time saved from reduced congestion. Therefore, decarbonization is crucial for addressing climate change and its associated challenges while creating a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Decarbonization Framework

  • Energy Mix & Energy Transition Readiness
  • Green House Gas (GHG) Emission Accounting
  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, Storage (CCUS)
  • Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)

Water Neutrality Index

Water Neutrality framework is introduced to understand the maturity of organization in adopting to the concept of reducing the water footprint of an activity as much as possible and offsetting the remaining water usage through below mentioned framework. By promoting water neutrality, we can reduce water consumption and ensure the sustainable use of water, preserve the ecology, manage water resources impartially, and ensure that industries have access to necessary resources that are sufficient and sustainable.
Category Pillars
Water Strategy Governance
Water Balance Water Stability
Water Treatment
Rainwater Harvesting
Water Pricing
Water Analytics Metering & Monitoring
Major End Uses
Along with Sustainability maturity, companies will get their current status & transition on Decarbonization Index and Water Neutrality Index as an additional value creation apart from our Sustainability 4.0.

Consistency & Sustenance Recognition

Leaders – Consistency recognition will be entitled to those companies that has continuously applied Sustainability Excellence Initiatives and has been sustaining the maturity steadily and effectively in a changing business environment.

Consistency Leaders Awards

The following criteria shall be followed to felicitate consistency award winners

Consistency Platinum

If the campus/company qualifies for Leaders recognition in the seventh year, making it fourth time in seven years.

Consistency Gold

If the campus/company qualifies for Leaders recognition in the fifth year, making it third time in five years.

Consistency Silver

If a facility/company qualifies for the Leaders recognition award twice in three years.

Individual Achievement Awards

Sustainability/ESG Transformation Leader of the Year:


  1. As a Sustainability/ESG Leader, the nominee should have led the company team to back-to back Challengers/ Leaders recognition on Sustainability 4.0 Awards platform for at least the last 2 participations.
  2. The nominee should have led his organization to achieve its long-term sustainability goals on cumulative basis (status as verified during assessment process by F&S team).
  3. The nominee should have led his organization to achieve a good rating in ESG benchmarking by industry acknowledged global agencies in recent years.
  4. The nominee should be an inspirational industry leader and thought champion with impressive career background.
  5. The recipients of this recognition will not be eligible for repeat nomination in subsequent editions of Sustainability 4.0 Awards.

Emerging Sustainability/ESG Transformation Leader of the Year:


  1. As a Sustainability/ESG Leader, the nominee should have led the company team to Leaders recognition on Sustainability 4.0 Awards platform at its very first year of participation.
  2. The nominee should have led his organization to achieve its long-term sustainability goals on cumulative basis (status as verified during assessment process by F&S team).
  3. The nominee should have led his organization to achieve a good rating in ESG benchmarking by industry acknowledged global agencies in recent years.
  4. The nominee should be an inspirational industry leader and thought champion with impressive career background.

Safety Analytics – Framework

Safety Analytics Framework

Safety Excellence Awards


Sub - Parameters

Points Scale

Check Points

Safety Excellence Assessment Framework

300 Points

  • Safety Policies and Goals
  • Performance Management
  • Safety Training
  • Accident and Incident Prevention
  • Emergency Preparedness
Safety Management

200 Points

  • Workplace Safety
  • Hazard Management
  • Material Storage and Handling
  • Work Permit System
  • Fire Safety
Process Safety

200 Points

  • Machine and Tool Safety
  • Lifting Tools and Tackles
  • Storage Tanks and Vessels
  • Safety Equipment Management
Equipment Safetyt

200 Points

  • Safety Culture
  • Safety Compliance
  • Contractor Safety
Behavioural Safety

100 Points

  • Medical Facilities
  • Ergonomics
  • Occupational Diseases.
Occupational Health

Safety Analytics Framework

This framework is introduced to understand the maturity of organization in adopting analytical tools in their safety management framework to assess, measure, monitor, and direct employee health and safety policies across all layers of their operations.

Safety Awards & Recognition

All the companies scoring over 700 out of 1000 will be recognized with ‘Safety Excellence – Certificate of Merit’. Under each participating category, the highest-scoring top two companies will be recognized with ‘Safety Excellence Award – Winner’ and ‘Safety Excellence Award – 1st Runner-Up’ respectively.

Safety Excellence Award – Winner Safety Excellence Award – Winner Safety Excellence Award – Winner Safety Excellence Award – Winner
Safety Excellence Award – 1st Runner-Up Safety Excellence Award – 1st Runner-Up Safety Excellence Award – 1st Runner-Up Safety Excellence Award – 1st Runner-Up
Emerging Business Medium Business Large Business Mega Large Business
Safety Excellence – Certificate of Merit (Qualifying Score – 700 out of 1000)

Participation Categories & Fee Structure

Category Turnover
Decarbonization & Water Index
*SGW – Pre Assesment & Growth Workshop Any On request
Emerging Business 20 Cr – 100 Cr INR 440,000 INR 250,000 INR 500,000
Medium Business 101 Cr – 500 Cr INR 640,000 INR 350,000
Large Business 501 Cr – 2,000 Cr INR 740,000 INR 495,000 INR 650,000
Mega Large Business > 2,000 Cr INR 840,000 INR 595,000


Early bird Corporate Discount of 7% till Mar 31, 2025.
By sharing the logo, you provide your consent to Frost & Sullivan to use the logo for current and future marketing/ promotion purpose to showcase your esteemed company as an awards recipient of Sustainability 4.0

The Assessment team will comprise of experts from Frost & Sullivan, Independent Consultants and Industry Assessors (Solution Providers) to add value to the assessment.

Advance – 100%: Along with application submission

Balance – 80%: Along with the shortlist communication to block the dates for assessment.

  1. The fees are exclusive of GST @ 18%
  2. The awards review team will decide on the facilities to be shortlisted for site visit under corporate nomination.
  3. Frost & Sullivan India Private Limited GST Number: 33AAACF4252A1ZE.
  4. By sharing the logo, you provide your consent to Frost & Sullivan to use the logo for current and future marketing/ promotion purpose to showcase your esteemed company as an awards recipient of Sustainability.
  5. The Assessment team will comprise of experts from Frost & Sullivan, Independent Consultants and Industry Assessors (Solution Providers) to add value to the assessment.

Corporate Sustainability Excellence Recognition – Eligibility Criteria

should be minimum in Challengers category (800 points) or above
2 to 5 2 2 out of 3 Each site will get recognition for respective band either Challengers or Leaders
6 to 20 5 3 out of 5
21 and above 7 5 out of 7 2nd fold recognition will be for Corporate Sustainability Excellence for respective band either in Challengers or Leaders category


All information (either shared or made known to us on account of the site visit) and reports (individual assessment reports of facilities) will be kept strictly confidential.

Documents collected by the team during the course of this assessment will be returned at the end of the assessment, before the team leaves the facility. Kindly do not hand over any sensitive documents to the assessors to take along. These can be discussed in the presence of company personnel.