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프로스트 앤 설리번, 신기술 융합이 홈 앤 빌딩 산업의 두 자리 수 성장을 이끌어

해당 산업은 사물 인터넷과 빅 데이터, 데이터 분석, 클라우드와 같은 기술들이 주요역할을 하며 2017년까지 1조 1,507억 5천만 달러에 달할 것으로 전망  2017년 3월 31일, 대한민국 – 세계 홈 앤 빌딩 산업이 극심한 변화와 빠른 성장을 겪고 있다. 사물 인터넷과 빅데이터, 데이터 분석, 클라우드와 같은 변형 기술들이 해당 산업의 두 자리 수 성장을 가속화시키며, 컨넥티드 홈과 LED 조명 부문으로 시장을 확대하고 있다. 이 기술들은 빌딩 자동화 시장 성장 역시...

Frost & Sullivan Commends Omron Healthcare’s Creation of its New Heat Pain Pro™ TENS Unit, the First Device on the Market that Combines Both Heat and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

Frost & Sullivan Commends Omron Healthcare’s Creation of its New Heat Pain Pro™ TENS Unit, the First Device on the Market that Combines Both Heat and Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — September 20, 2017 — Based on its recent analysis of the home pain management industry, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Omron Healthcare, Inc. with the 2017 North America New Product Innovation Award. In line with the growing awareness of the...

프로스트 앤 설리번, 빅데이터 분석이 미국 차세대 시퀀싱 인포 매틱스 시장의 두 자리 수 성장을 도와

2017년 9월 8일, 대한민국 – 미국 차세대 시퀀싱(NGS : Next-Generation Sequencing) 인포매틱스 시장이 분자진단과 바이오 제약, 대학 기관에서 수요가 높아지면서 두 자릿수 성장을 기록하고 있다. 제약사들이 정밀의학과 환자 맞춤 치료 개발, 그리고 대규모 게놈 시퀀싱 프로젝트 착수에 크게 중점을 두고 있고, NGS 기반 진단 검사에 관한 보험 적용 및 승인 정책 개발이 예상되는 가운데 NGS 인포매틱 솔루션에 관한 요구사항들이 늘어날 전망이다....

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Global Professional Headset Market to Maintain Solid Growth Trajectory Through 2025, Aided By Software Communications

Global Professional Headset Market to Maintain Solid Growth Trajectory Through 2025, Aided By Software Communications

As headset vendors continuously launch products, the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% from 2018 to 2025, driving the $1.38 billion market toward $2.66 billion. PC USB and Unified Communications and Collaborations (UCC) headsets continue to grow rapidly, especially cordless Bluetooth stereo UCC headsets, which grew by 79.2% in 2018.

Frost & Sullivan Experts Unveil Our World in 2030: Top 12 Transformational Shifts

Frost & Sullivan Experts Unveil Our World in 2030: Top 12 Transformational Shifts

Frost & Sullivan invites you to join Richard Sear and Archana Vidyasekar, our Visionary Innovation Group experts, along with Neil Sahota, IBM Master Inventor and United Nations artificial intelligence subject-matter expert, for the webinar “Our World in 2025-2030: Top 12 Transformational Shifts to 2030” on September 24 at 11 a.m. EDT.

Uber Global Director to Share Game-Changing Strategies for Continuous CX Improvement

Uber Global Director to Share Game-Changing Strategies for Continuous CX Improvement

Kal Kuchimanchi, Director, Global Planning and Programs, Uber, will lead an eye-opening session on Continuous Improvement of the Customer Experience (CX) at the 15th Anniversary Customer Contact West: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXChange. The event will take place October 27–30, 2019, at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa, in Huntington Beach, Calif.

Brazilian Telcos Upgrade their B2B and B2C Offerings to Become One-stop ICT and Digital Solution Providers

Brazilian Telcos Upgrade their B2B and B2C Offerings to Become One-stop ICT and Digital Solution Providers

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, Brazil’s Total Telecommunications Services Market and the Impact of Mega Trends, Forecast to 2023, examines market trends relating to technology and consumer demands in the residential, SMB, and corporate end-user segments. It identifies the telecommunications services that present the highest growth opportunities from 2017 to 2023 and studies revenue distribution in the regions covered by Anatel. It analyzes the service segments of fixed telephony, mobile telephony, fixed broadband, data communications, and Pay TV.

2019 CC Awards – Kahuna Winners Announced

2019 CC Awards – Kahuna Winners Announced

The CC Awards Program honors companies and individual leaders that are shaping the future of customer service. Honored recipients have demonstrated achievement in one or more of five categories: Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Process Automation, Self Service and Social Media.

Surge in Cyberattacks on Smart Buildings Propels Global IT/OT Security Market

Surge in Cyberattacks on Smart Buildings Propels Global IT/OT Security Market

Widespread digitization of building operations and rising incidences of cyberattacks on operational environments are driving the adoption of information technology (IT)/operational technology (OT) security services in smart buildings. The market is estimated to reach $897 million by 2022, increasing at a record compound annual growth rate of 37%.

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Czy Latające Samochody to Nasza Przyszłość?

Współpraca pomiędzy producentami latających samochodów z firmami branży samochodowej, lotniczej i technologicznej stworzy nowe możliwości rozwoju, uważa zespół ds. Mobilności firmy Frost & Sullivan Warszawa – 12 lipca, 2017 r. – Rynek latających samochodów...

В 2017 г. Объём Продаж Легковых Автомобилей в Мире Составит 93,2 млн ед.

По оценкам аналитиков Frost & Sullivan, в 2016 году в мире было продано 92,1 млн легковых автомобилей (включая, внедорожники, кроссоверы, пикапы и пр.). Такие данные приводятся в недавнем исследовании компании Global Automotive Industry Outlook 2017. Лидерами по...

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