Chemicals and Advanced Materials

Chemicals and Advanced Materials often form the core for many technology advances that are turning far-fetched concepts into reality across industries. Innovations in chemicals and materials help translate socio economic trends such as ‘innovating to zero’ or industry specific trends such as ‘lightweighting’ into marketable products and services.

Acknowledging the necessity of keeping track of new and emerging material developments, processes, and resultant products is crucial for growth in any industry and a diverse team of industry experts in materials, plastics, polymers, petrochemicals, coatings, chemicals, and oil & gas help companies to achieve success in their industry of focus

Identifying and analyzing the emergence of new materials, coatings and chemicals and assessing how their introduction to existing applications can transform prevailing systems and help in the emergence of new markets, products and services, business models, and even new industries.


Lightweight materials, bio-based materials, ceramics, nanomaterials, smart materials, fibers, plastics, composites, polymers, woven and non woven materials, organic materials, conductive materials and polymers, insulation materials, packaging materials, biomedical materials, graphene, 2D materials and many more.


Protective and functional coatings including paints and emulsions, antimicrobial coatings, food coatings, energy saving coatings, smart glazing, hydrophilic, hydrophobic and superhydrophobic coatings, anti-corrosive coatings, nanocoatings, barrier coatings, conductive coatings, insulating coatings and so on.


Commodity chemicals, specialty chemicals, fine chemicals, green chemicals, enzymes, additives and preservatives and so on.


Bioprocessing, encapsulation, extraction, thermal and nonthermal processing, deposition technologies, coatings processes, membrane filtration, packaging, oil & gas refining and processing, fuel additives and blends, lubricants, alternate energy generation, and storage, biofuels, gas separation.

Key Research Focus Areas

Lightweighting and Multifunctionality

Lightweight materials, carbon fibers, glass fibers, 2D materials, stimuli-responsive materials, smart materials, graphene, polymers, plastics and many more.

Materials for Energy and Ultilities

Catalysts, Production and process optimization, upstream and downstream processes.


Nanomaterials, nanofibers, nanocoatings, nano functionalization, surface modification etc.

Chemicals and Advanced Materials (CAM) Technology Cluster

Functional and Protective Coatings

Solvent and water-borne coatings including anti-corrosion coatings, hydrophobic and hydrophilic, anti-fouling coatings, antimicrobial coatings.

Technologies for Efficient Food and Agriculture Systems

Plant protection technologies, nutrition and functional ingredients, food and feed additives, colors, flavors, fragrances, enzymes, preservatives and other specialty ingredients.

Advanced Chemicals

Specialty chemicals, petrochemicals, personal care ingredients, bioactive and oleochemicals.

Value Proposition

Key Questions of Clients


Whom should I partner with?


What is the National Roadmap and what are the best practices adopted by other countries?


What are the R&D areas I should focus on?


What is the opportunity for the technology in 5 to 10 years?


What are the attractive markets for my technology?


What are the technologies I should invest in?


Who are my competitors and what are they doing unique?


Which region should I gain entry?

Engagement Types

  • Assessment of R&D portfolio
  • R&D management
  • IP Consulting
  • Technology investment Opportunities
    • Evaluation of funding initiatives
    • Merger and acquisition opportunities
    • Identification of strategic alliance partners
  • Technology Roadmap
  • Market Opportunity analysis
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Evaluation of nation innovation indicators and country’s best practices
  • Technology and patent valuation
  • Business model innovation

Case Studies

Dutch-based global group of companies assessing newly emerging and commercially available coating solutions for offshore applications

Competitive Landscaping and Benchmarking

The Challenge

It has been widely recognized by the client that regular touch-up and recoating to protect the carbon steels of the floating oil and gas production systems from corrosion incurred a huge operation cost and frequent production shutdown. The company is looking for alternative coating products that have potentially much longer performance in the marine environment.

Project Objectives

  • Obtained a detailed assessment of novel coating technologies and development trends in the offshore application segments to protect the metal components from a salt-laden offshore environment, and in other sectors that need to protect against very aggressive fluids, such as nuclear, chemical manufacturing, and minerals processing, etc.
  • Conduct a detailed competitive assessment of the key product solutions and their potential to improve the corrosion protection of carbon steels.
  • Provide detailed recommendations on the most promising solutions, based on the technology maturity and market availability of the various solutions, for both immediate applications, and for a near-future application.

Our Approach and Work

F&S used a “Modular” approach in line with the following blueprint for the conduct of the project:

  • Identified key technology trends, industry requirements, available coating technologies and the unmet needs in the marine offshore segments
  • Identified breakthrough innovations in coating systems and the key innovators who can be potential suppliers to the client.
  • Performed a risk-based corrosion management system that relevant for managing the corrosion risk for the client’s offshore structures.
  • Conducted Competitive (Product) Benchmarking Analysis of the Anti-Corrosion coatings through qualitative and semi-quantitative criteria based model
  • Identified and suggested the best fit coatings solutions based on clients requirement and procurement

Outcome and Business Impact

Frost & Sullivan delivered a detailed report that outlined the detailed understanding of key opportunity areas for the client with coating products effective to deliver the offshore requirements. The client is currently evaluating the suggested coatings for use in their offshore segments.

Technology Scouting And Impact

Assessment Of Emerging Technologies In The Food & Beverage Industry

The client: A global manufacturer of beverages headquartered in USA

The Challenge

Formulate of a strategic plan for the client to tackle imminent radical innovations that are likely to impact the future of F&B industry, taking into consideration various disruptive technologies and innovations across the F & B industry.

Project Objectives

  • Scouting for technologies that will have the potential to disrupt the value and/or applications of the F&B industry in long term (7 years and above).
  • Identify early stage innovations related to the disruptive technologies identified and assess their impact in the F&B industry in long term.

Our Approach and Work

  • F & S developed a value chain of the F&B industry and identified key application areas across the value chain.
  • Exhaustive technology scouting exercise was carried out to find disruptive technologies, within the industry and also other industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, automation etc. that can impact the future of F&B industry. Each identified technology was assessed on their transformation potential of the industry and a shortlist of 15 high impact technologies identified.
  • F&S identified more than 90 key disruptive innovations across the shortlisted technology area and the intensity of impact of each innovation was evaluated using a criteria based evaluation matrix to arrive into a shortlist of high impact innovations.
  • Criteria used for evaluation included year of impact, adoption potential, application impact, commercialization potential etc.

Outcome and Business Impact

  • F&S delivered a detailed report emphasizing on the impact of disruptive technologies and innovations that can impact the future of F&B industry.
  • The report was used by the client to align their R&D focus areas and identify possible partnerships and collaboration opportunities with early-stage technology developers.

Study of Inorganic Membranes for Gas Separation

The Client: An Asian conglomerate focusing on chemicals and materials

The Challenge

The client has an existing successful membrane module for different applications. The company’s existing focus includes the development of varied membranes, with a specific focus on inorganic membranes, namely silica, ZIF, zeolite, and mixed matrix membranes. The client needed an understanding of the technical developments with respect to these membranes for gas separation processes.

Project Objectives

  • Identifying membrane synthesis conditions from the technical journals published and patents filed on inorganic membranes.
  • Identifying the experimental conditions, permeation rate and separation factor of the synthesis methods outlined in the publications and patents
  • Assessment of the pros and cons of the experiments conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the membranes synthesized.

Our Approach and Work

  • Frost & Sullivan conducted an in-depth analysis of technical publications across all peer-reviewed journals and patent databases to build a long list of studies/ research pertaining to the synthesis of inorganic membranes for gas separation processes.
  • The analysts reviewed the long list of the studies and research papers identified to identify the experimental conditions, synthesis methods and efficiency of the synthesized membranes.

Outcome and Business Impact

  • Frost & Sullivan delivered a detailed report on the assessment of various synthesis experiments carried out highlighting the potential of selected membrane materials synthesized. The client used the finding of the study to conduct in-house experiments as a part of their product development activities.

Strategic Roadmap for Plastics in Various Industries

The Client: A leading research and developmental cluster focusing on plastics and its application in various industries

The Challenge

  • The cluster was keen on identifying new growth opportunities of plastics in the focus areas for the cluster based on the changes in the industries/sectors and technology convergence potential that the cluster and its members operate in.
  • The cluster is interested in developing a roadmap for plastics in industries such as healthcare, automotive, consumer goods, aerospace, packaging among others.
  • Develop a 5 year action plan for the cluster taking into account the market needs, trends, technology developments in each industry of focus

Project Objectives

The objectives of this research project are:

  • To Identify the size and growth rates of plastics in each industry that is evaluated
  • To identify market needs, trends and competitive landscape in each industry
  • To develop a technology development and adoption roadmap for plastics in each industry that the cluster operates in.
  • To Identify new growth opportunities for plastics and identify key opportunities for the cluster to leverage in various industries.
  • To develop a 5 year strategic action plan for the cluster

Our Approach and Work

Towards accomplishing the objective, exhaustive desk research and primaries where conducted with key industry participants to identify, analyze and assess the market needs, requirements and trends for various industries. Technology development and adoption roadmap for plastics in various applications for each industry was developed. The growth opportunities for various plastics in each industry was assessed and each opportunity evaluated using an “attractiveness index” developed to decide if the opportunity can be worthwhile for the research cluster. Based on the attractiveness of the opportunities identified and with inputs from the cluster,  a strategic action plan for the cluster focusing on the type of R&D, technology and product development activities that the cluster needs to focus is developed.

Outcome and Business Impact

The roadmap and the action plan was used by the client to devise a list of projects the cluster needs to engage for the next five years. The research also delivered comprehensive  information about the opportunities for plastics in healthcare, automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and packaging among other industries and helped the client to better analyze the potential for plastics in key areas

The Client is a conglomerate in India planning to commercialize a new technology

Technology Commercialization Assistance

The Challenge

Evaluating the techno-economic feasibility and devising a “Go-To-Marketing” strategy for a newly developed technology that accelerated the production process of a medicinal plant.

Project Objectives

Market & Technology Related:
Competitive Technology benchmarking of the technology vs. existing ones

  • Opportunity Analysis and Landscaping
  • Competitor analysis and Landscaping
  • Determination of drivers, restraints, and challenges
  • Demand, Supply and pricing analysis
  • “Go or No-Go” decision for technology commercialization
  • Technology commercialization assistance

Financial Model Related:

  • Assessment of commercial viability of the technology
  • Evaluation and selection of revenue model
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Technology Valuation

Our Approach and Work

  • Frost & Sullivan conducted a preliminary analysis to identify the key opportunities int he said industry across the globe. Based on the findings of the initial study, detailed go-to-market strategies were developed and appropriate revenue models were identified and evaluated, out of technology licensing was determined as the best fit strategy for the client.
  • A financial model was constructed outlining the attractiveness of various revenue models for the new technology outlining capital expenditures involved in commercializing the technology with cost and profit involved.
  • Frost & Sullivan also conducted an exhaustive search for potential partners for commercializing the technology and shortlisted the top 5 best fit companies that met the Client’s requirements based on a criteria-based decision making tool.
  • Frost & Sullivan also authored a material collateral for the technology for attracting potential partners.
  • Frost & Sullivan facilitated initial discussions with potential partners for technology licensing.

Outcome and Business Impact

Frost & Sullivan delivered a detailed report that outlined the technical and financial aspects of the project. The client leveraged our analysis and has commenced the process for commercializing the technology and has a licensing agreement with one of the potential partners identified.

Landscape Assessment of Chemicals for Water Treatment

The Challenge

The Client: A Global Speciality Chemicals Company

The Client is considering to venture into the water treatment chemicals market. They sought to understand the market landscape along with key players to help them decide on the niche application areas within the water chemicals sector.

Project Objectives

  • Scouting for technologies that will have the potential to disrupt the value and/or applications of the F&B industry in long term (7 years and above).
  • Identify early stage innovations related to the disruptive technologies identified and assess their impact in the F&B industry in long term.

Our Approach and Work

  • F & S developed a value chain of the F&B industry and identified key application areas across the value chain.
  • Exhaustive technology scouting exercise was carried out to find disruptive technologies, within the industry and also other industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, automation etc. that can impact the future of F&B industry. Each identified technology was assessed on their transformation potential of the industry and a shortlist of 15 high impact technologies identified.
  • F&S identified more than 90 key disruptive innovations across the shortlisted technology area and the intensity of impact of each innovation was evaluated using a criteria based evaluation matrix to arrive into a shortlist of high impact innovations.
  • Criteria used for evaluation included year of impact, adoption potential, application impact, commercialization potential etc.

Outcome and Business Impact

  • Frost & Sullivan assessed and prioritized technologies and niche applications sectors that will be of potential interest to the Client.
  • The Client plans to use our recommendations for strategic planning towards new business ventures in chemicals for water treatment.

A Major Petrochemicals Company in Asia-Pacific

Assessment of New Plastics Opportunities in Oil & Gas Pipelines Industry

The Challenge

The petrochemicals division of a major conglomerate in Thailand wanted to evaluate the opportunity for plastics in oil and gas pipelines. A detailed assessment of unmet needs from a pipeline material perspective was needed to help identify industry requirements from different stakeholders in the value chain.

Project Objectives

  • A detailed assessment of unmet needs of materials used at present in oil and gas pipeline networks.
  • Competitive assessment of pipeline material providers based on an understanding of product specifications and features to be analyzed across the value chain.
  • Evaluate specific product features required for new application segments within the gas transportation pipeline network including high-pressure pipelines.
  • Analyze the opportunities of plastics in pipelines based on the desired product features.

Our Approach and Work

  • Frost & Sullivan performed a value chain analysis of the global oil and gas pipeline network by conducting interviews with key stakeholders.
  • The unmet needs and R&D trends specific to materials used in gas transport pipelines were identified
  • A material portfolio analysis was conducted based on key property requirements of plastic resins for use in pipe extrusion, internal and external pipe coatings and reinforced composite pipes
  • A final prioritization of new market and product opportunities was done using decision-making tool leveraging inputs related to market potential, R&D focus and industry requirements

Outcome and Business Impact

Frost & Sullivan delivered a detailed report with a broad classification of opportunities for plastic in segments namely, gas distribution pipelines, coatings for large diameter transmission, flow lines and reinforced plastic composites. The identified key feature requirements of plastic grades for penetration into each of these opportunities were grouped into sub-segments and the most attractive sub-segment was assessed based on various factors including existing material regulations, safety standards, market size, global adoption potential, and R&D intensity. Recommendations were given for potential new grades of plastic resins that can be developed for use in gas transport pipelines. The research was done by Frost & Sullivan and leveraged by the client for aligning their R&D pipeline.

Global Market Assessment of Carbon Fibers Technology

The Client: A leading Materials business conglomerate in USA with a broad portfolio of technologies and products covering fibers, roofing and insulation.

The Challenge

  • The client wanted to assess the global carbon fibers technology scenario and identify the overall market trends, value chain and the major stakeholders of the industry and potential new entrants in the industry.
  • The client was keen to understand the cost mark-up across the value chain as well as the feasibility of low-cost carbon fibers

Project Objectives

  • Identify the trends in the global carbon fibers market and the detailed cost analysis of the industry .
  • Assess the low cost carbon fibers market and the hybrid glass carbon fibers in terms of its technology readiness level, key innovations, feasibility.

Our Approach and Work

  • Frost & Sullivan conducted a detailed technology due-diligence study of the carbon fibers technology based on discussion with companies, universities and research institutes from the industry. Primary research was done across the entire value chain of the industry to get a clear sense of the value chain analysis and cost mark-up across the value chain.
  • The timeframe of low-cost carbon fibers becoming a reality was assessed. The main factors that are responsible for the high cost of carbon fibers and the approaches of various industry stakeholders to overcome the challenge was analysed and its commercial feasiblity assessed in detail.

Outcome and Business Impact

  • Frost & Sullivan presented a detailed analysis of the carbon fiber sector in terms of the key application sectors, production process, cost analysis, disruptive innovations, patent landscape, market potential, low cost carbon fibers, and hybrid carbon fibers.
  • Strategic recommendations delivered by Frost & Sullivan provided the basis for client to validate their interest to invest in carbon fibers technology. The client has commercialized a hybrid carbon material for the construction industry based on our recommendations.

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